Saturday, February 26, 2011


We decided to take a quick little day trip to the city of Perugia. This name might ring a bell for several reasons: for some, this is the birthplace of Perugina, a wonderful chocolate company that fames itself for their delicious bacci (kisses- and an Italian kiss is ALWAYS better than a Hershey's hehe). Still some may recognize the name because it is where the eery and brutal case of Amanda Knox recently took place- there is even a lifetime movie!!

We boarded our train bright and early, and arrived in the city lost and confused. Thankfully, we found an English speaker who (somewhat) directed us to the city's center. We unknowingly set for a long and tiring trek
The "shortcut" 
Just a little lost
Finally we reached the city center, where an antique market was in full play. On the countless tables lay old broaches, hair pins, pendants, earrings, hats, vintage you name it! Several tables stood with boxes full of old records- Beatles, Stones, and Italian artists that I could not remember for the life of me. For me, however, the most impressive part was the breathtaking view

We walked around the city for a bit, but what first seemed new and exciting, now was cold and frustrating. I was so hungry and freezing, I could not focus on ANYTHING! We had planned to go to a specific restaurant, Darmicocco to be exact, and we simply COULD NOT FIND IT! We roamed around the city for what seemed like ages, when we finally stumbled upon the correct street. You could not imagine my relief when we saw the sign for the restaurant!!

Once we sat, a whole new adventure ensued. Not a soul in the place spoke a word of English, and for 20 minutes we tried to understand how to order, what to order, and how much anything cost. At last, a woman with very broken English explained that we really had no choice, that the menu was fixed, and we simply order the 4 course meal for the table. OH! well that could have been very easy... Let the feast begin!

Appetizer, not pictured, was a variety of different spreads (like bruschetta, patte, tapenade, etc). First course: polenta with tomatoes and cheeeeese. Second course, macaroni (with tomatoes and cheese). I must admit, after that we were all pretty full- but the meal was only starting! Next came a plateful of meats- chicken, beef, and turkey, together with salad and (more) bread. Finally the dessert course arrived, with a delicious margarita cake served with a sweet wine. Mama mia what a meal.

After the feast, everything in Perugia instantly became more beautiful. The sun came out, and our spirits were lifted

Finally, we all know a trip cannot be complete with some sweet. We visited the famous Perugina store, as well as a few other scrumptious delicacies :)


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