Monday, February 7, 2011


Mondays are great. Mondays are cookin days. I woke up early to make a run to the market and such, then headed to my first class, Mediterranean diet. Here we learned to make a Greek specialty- Moussaka. Unfortunately, I was too busy at the stovetop saute-ing onions and eggplants to take too many pictures, but I did snap my girl L slicing up some potatoes and my partner keeping and eye on her lamb

Next came chocolate!!! First we discussed the health benefits of chocolate and the importance of pairing it... specifically with wine!! The lecture was complemented with an elaborate, gourmet example of the perfect blending of wine and chocolate: Chocolate sorbet, served over caramelized pears cooked in wine and and drizzled with a sweet and spicy red wine glaze. Finally garnished with toasted bread covered with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt- very Italian and very delicious mix of sweet and salty. Feast you eyes:
the toasted-salted garnish
hazelnut brittle for the brave ones
Wine soaked pears
Serving platters- prepared with the wine glaze
Chocolate sorbet- straight out da freezer

Finished! but not quite... the final flourish...
Must serve in a snazzy cocktail glass. Bon apetite!

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